Company > Management Profile

Management Profile

David Badia Sendra

David is an Industrial Engineer by COEIC (Barcelona) with a postgraduate degree in Operations and Supply Chain Management by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and certified of competency in MES/MOM by MESA International.

He has developed his career as a consultant for IT Systems applied to manufacturing and logistics in global companies, specialized in providing process control and automation solutions for pharmaceutical and chemical industries. He has participated as speaker in conferences of AEFI, MESA and other pharma engineering events.

He has been project manager & senior consultant at Almirall, Boehringer Ingelheim, BBraun Medical, Lacer, MSD, Novartis, Grup Lasem, Gallina Blanca, ICI Paints, Esteve Química, Henkel Technologies, Nestle, Croexa, BDF Nivea, Levi Strauss, Volkswagen Navarra, SEAT Martorell, among other companies.

Currently, he is working with his customers to improve productivity, quality and flexibility of their plant operations, strengthening human resources through key information visualization tools. He is involved as a consultant in automation and information technologies strategy for various chemical and pharmaceutical companies, where is implementing solutions of MES, KPI, PDM and life cycle management of the systems based on the ISA standards and good manufacturing practices GMP for validation and quality qualification.

Founder and active member of "IoT & Embedded Systems WG" of the "Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation Comission" in "Engineers of Catalonia" (EIC), David gives traning courses of Industrial IoT, IoT cloud platforms and OPC UA technology. He is teaching team member of the "EIC Update Program" by Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya and the "Industry 4.0 Master" by UPC BarcelonaTECH.