Expertise > Partnership


We are motivated to work with the highest standards and in collaboration with the best professionals, organizations, suppliers and companies.



INLEAN recognizes and actively collaborates with the most prestigious organizations in its action scope, contributing to industry standards evolution, best practices broadcasting and training of qualified professionals.



MESA – Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association International

MESA provides a broad overview of business solutions for manufacturing, from the present looking towards the future, with our own system integration standards like B2MML (ISA-95) and BatchML (ISA-88).

INLEAN has the Certificate of Competence of the Global Education Program of MESA since 2011.

International Society of Automation

ISA is responsible for the highest standards of industrial automation, control and security. The MES systems have as a reference model the ISA-95 standard, which is about control systems integration and business management, updated in 2012.

International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering

The scientific and professional community ISPE brings together the knowledge in engineering and experience in pharmaceutical industry best practices. Generates regulation and guidelines that are the standard accepted by the market and by regulatory agencies, among them the GAMP. They are applied to validation of information and automation systems.

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure

The German Engineers Association performs an important task in the analysis and dissemination of innovations in manufacturing technology from the European point of view, publishing support guides of decision and practical application of the standards.

Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya

The Industrial Engineers Association of Catalonia promotes knowledge and action in network of the engineers, companies and industry, for the betterment of society in general.

The collegiate engineers of INLEAN actively participate in commissions and working groups of Industry 4.0, Digital Society and Energy.




INLEAN select the most appropriate suppliers for each industry to promote their products and technical support services to maintain technological leadership and bring value to the areas where they operate.

The knowledge, training and certification in technologies, hardware and software of the suppliers is an essential condition for the success of selection, consulting and implementation of projects.


POMS Corporation

Regulated Sectors (Pharma, Biotech), Process Industry (Beverage and Food).

MES, PDM, Product Tracking, Serialization, Resource Allocation & Status, Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Data Mining, Analytics & Visualization, Quality Mgmt, Dispatching Production, Logistics, Workflow, Weight & Dispense, EBR.

GE Intelligent Platforms

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry.

MES, Product Tracking, Resource Allocation & Status, Performance Analysis  (OEE & KPI), Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Scada & Batch Control, Mobility, Workflow.

MPDV Mikrolab

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors (Medical Devices)

MES, Product Tracking, Serialization, Resource Allocation & Status, Performance Analysis, Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Quality Mgmt, Labor Mgmt, Energy Mgmt, Dispatching Production.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

MES, MOM, PLM, PDM, Product Tracking, Serialization, Resource Allocation & Status, Performance Analysis (OEE & KPI), Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Quality Mgmt, Labor Mgmt, Energy Mgmt, Dispatching Production, Logistics, Scada & Batch Control, B2MML.


Regulated Sectors (Pharma, Biotech), Process Industry (Beverage and Food).

MES, PDM, Product Tracking, Serialization, Resource Allocation & Status, Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Quality Mgmt, Dispatching Production, Logistics Workflow, Weight & Dispense, EBR.

Schneider Electric

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

MES, MOM, PDM, Product Tracking, Serialization, Resource Allocation & Status, Performance Analysis (OEE & KPI), Process Mgmt, Data Collection & History, Quality Mgmt, Labor Mgmt, Energy Mgmt, Dispatching Production, Logistics Workflow.

Dassault Systemes

Discrete Manufacturing, Regulated Sectors.

PDM, PLM, Data Collection & History, Process Mgmt, Quality Mgmt, Digital Factory, Collaborative Innovation.

Honeywell AIDC Intermec

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Product Tracking, Serialization, Data Collection, Dispatching Production, Logistics Auto-ID, RFID solutions, Label printing & tag encoding automation.

Seagull Scientific BarTender

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Product Tracking, Serialization, Data Collection, Dispatching Production, Logistics, Auto-ID, RFID solutions, Label printing & tag encoding automation.

Zebra Technologies

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Product Tracking, Serialization, Data Collection, Dispatching Production, Logistics, Auto-ID, RFID solutions, Label printing & tag encoding automation.

Mettler Toledo

Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Resource Allocation & Status, Process Mgmt, Quality Mgmt, Weight & Dispense Scales, Laboratory balances and Process Analytics equipment.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Product Tracking, Performance Analysis (OEE & KPI), Data Collection, Dispatching Production, Logistics, Auto ID, RFID solutions, Sensoring.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Data Collection Industrial Comunications, HMI.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

CRM, ERP, BI, MES+PLM Integration (web services, idoc interface, B2MML).


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

Data Collection, Industrial Comunications, HMI, OPC, OPC UA.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

CRM, ERP, BI, MES+PLM Integration (web services, idoc interface, B2MML), RDBMS, big data, cloud computing.


Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industry, Regulated Sectors.

OS, server & client platform, virtualization, Windows.NET, apps, RDBMS, big data, cloud computing, mobility solutions.